JBLM Retiree Appreciation Day - The next Retiree Appreciation Day is 17 May 2015 more information to come.
Base Decals -
In September 2011, Department of the Army sent a message to all Army installations that the decision on whether to require vehicle registration was delegated down to the installation level. There was no longer an Army-level requirement for vehicles to be registered and to display the DoD decal, DD Form 2220. Some Army installations eliminated the requirement. Others, including Joint Base Lewis-McChord, opted to retain the program.
Effective 7 May 2012, the Directorate of Emergency Services (DES) implemented a new procedure for Vehicle Registration. Once the vehicle has been registered there is no need to return every three years to update the registration. The DoD decal will be valid as long as it is still in good condition and is legible.
The stickers indicating an expiration month/ year and the installation identifier will no longer be issued. We recommended that individuals who already have those items displayed remove them however, this is not a requirement. Access Control personnel will not deny access if those tabs are displayed and past their expiration date.
For questions or clarification on this new procedure you may contact the DES Vehicle Registration Office at (253) 967-1914. You may also contact the Lewis Main Visitor Center at (253) 966-5990 or the McChord Field Visitor Center at (253) 982-2582.
QUESTION: Will DoD decals issued from JBLM without expiration or installation identifiers be honored at installations who retained the requirement for expiration dates and installation identifiers.
ANSWER: Local Navy bases have retained the standard DoD registration regime and have been informed about our changes. We are awaiting a response from them as to whether or not they will recognize our registration system. We cannot speak for what other installations may require but you should be prepared to comply with whatever requirements have been established by commanders at other military installations.
QUESTION: Why has JBLM chosen to retain a system the Army no longer requires?
ANSWER: Vehicle registration records are often useful in the conduct of investigations and our procedure satisfies the commander’s obligation to enforce Federal Clean Air Act requirements.
QUESTION: How does this change affect registration of privately owned weapons?
ANSWER: There is no effect on the procedures or requirement for registration of privately owned firearms.
Customer Service Bldg 100, Room 1001 – The hours of Customer Service are 0900 to 1630 hours Monday – Friday. It is still best to call ahead to make sure there hasn’t been an unannounced closure. Call 253-982-2544 Source RAO10/3/06