http://www.afpc.af.mil/ The Official Web Site of the Air Force Personnel Center Provides information an all things Air Force. You can subscribe for Air Force Personnel Center email updates.
www.retirees.af.mil The Official Web Site of Air Force Retiree Services. The Air Force Retiree Services Section, AFPC/DPSIAR, manages the Air Force Retiree Activities Program and the Survivor Benefit Plan; supports the Air Force Retiree Council; and advises the Air Force retirement community via various means of communication including the Afterburner, News for USAF Retired Personnel, and postings on the Internet.
www.afa.org The Air Force Association (AFA) is a non-profit, independent, professional military and aerospace education association promoting public understanding of aerospace power and the pivotal role it plays in the security of the nation. AFA publishes Air Force Magazine, conducts national symposia and disseminates information through outreach programs. It sponsors professional development seminars and recognizes excellence in the education and aerospace fields through national awards programs. AFA presents scholarships and grants to Air Force active duty, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve members and their dependents; and awards educator grants to promote science and math education at the elementary and secondary school level.
www.tricare.osd.mil TRICARE is the health care program for uniformed service members (active, Guard/Reserve, retired) and their families around the world. TRICARE is a major part of the Military Health System that: Combines the resources of military hospitals and clinics with civilian health care networks. Offers several health plan options that; give you access to high-quality health care, meets the requirements for minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act, Provides comprehensive health coverage and supports military operations and readiness. TRICARE is managed by the Defense Health Agency under leadership of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs). >>View Leadership Bio
www.leg.wa.gov The Washington State Legislature's web site lists the house, senate, agencies, bills, laws, a district finder as well as legislative and congressional information.
www.va.gov The Department of Veterans Affairs web site. It has links to health care, burial & Memorials VA Jobs, Board of Veterans Appeals, Public Affairs, Congressional Affairs, and Business Opportunities as well as data on Veterans data.
www.firstgov.gov A huge selection online services with resources too numerous to mention. Check it out.
www.fcc.gov At this Federal Communication Commission's site you can file a complaint by clicking on the “For Consumers” button.
www.alz.org The Alzheimer's Association is the world's leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research.
www.jblmmwr.com JBLM Lewis- McChord's MWR, on base services include: Adventures Unlimited (Outdoor Recreation), Arts & Crafts Centers, Auto Centers, Base Theaters, Bowling Centers,Service Clubs and Community Centers, Fitness Centers, Golf Courses, Base Librarys, Youth Programs, Child Care, Honor Guard, Special Events, Employment, Lodging, Sponsorship/Private Organizations, Veterinary Clinics and more.
www.elderlawanswers.com You can search for an attorney by state and city or area code. Under “Elder Law Info” there is great deal of information. At “Resources” there are checklists for buying long term care insurance, choosing a nursing home, assisted living, or continuing care plus a will preparation worksheet.
www.esd.wa.gov Washington State Employment Security resources are found here including “Veterans Employment Services”.
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