TriCare Coverage for
Retired Reserve Members and Families

Retired Reserve members and their families may qualify for different options based on the age of the sponsor.
At any time, you can enroll in the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program It's separate from TRICARE's health plans.
Health Plan Options
Under Age 60
When you retire and you're under age 60:

  • You and your family may qualify to purchase TRICARE Retired Reserve .

  • If you don't purchase TRICARE Retired Reserve, you don't qualify for any other TRICARE health plans until you turn age 60.

If you purchase TRICARE Retired Reserve and you have adult children who "age out" at 21 (or 23 if attending college), they may qualify to purchase TRICARE Young Adult

Age 60 and Older
When you turn 60, you and your family become eligible for the same TRICARE health benefits as all other retired service members. Your health plan options are different based on where you live:
In the United States, you can use:

Outside of the United States, you can use: 

Additionally, adult children who "age out" at 21 (or 23 if attending college) may qualify to purchase TRICARE Young Adult

TRICARE Retired Reserve

TRICARE Retired Reserve is a premium-based plan available worldwide for retired Reserve members, their families and survivors who qualify.

If purchased, TRICARE Retired Reserve meets or exceeds the requirements for minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act.  If you don’t have health care coverage, you may have to pay a fee for each month you aren’t covered.

Who Can Participate?

  • Retired Reserve members who are:

    • Members of the retired Reserve of a Reserve Component who are qualified for non-regular retirement under 10 U.S.C., Chapter 1223

    • Under age 60

    • Not eligible for, or enrolled in, the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program 

  • Family members of qualified retired Reserve members             

  • Survivors of retired Reserve members if:

    • The sponsor was covered by TRICARE Retired Reserve when he or she died.

    • They are immediate family members of the deceased sponsor (spouses cannot have remarried).

    • TRICARE Retired Reserve coverage would begin before the date the deceased sponsor would have turned 60 years old.

    • Survivor coverage is not affected by FEHB eligibility.

How it Works

Schedule an appointment with any TRICARE-Authorized Provider.  An authorized provider is any individual, institution/organization, or supplier that is licensed by a state, accredited by a national organization, or meets other standards of the medical community, and is certified to provide benefits under TRICARE.  There are two types of TRICARE-authorized providers: Network and Non-Network.

Referrals are not required but you may need prior authorization from your regional contractor for some types of services.

What You Pay

  • Monthly premiums

  • Annual deductible

  • Cost share (or percentage) for covered services

View TRICARE Retired Reserve Costs at

Is TRICARE Retired Reserve Right for You?

TRICARE Retired Reserve may be the right option for you and your family if you qualify. The plan provides comprehensive health care coverage upon your retirement and you do not have to wait until you reach age 60 and begin drawing retired pay to purchase the plan. Plus, because you can see any provider, you don't have to change providers if you already have one.

How to Enroll—Online Only

To log in, you must have one of the following:

  • Common Access Card (CAC)

  • DFAS (MyPay) Account

  • DoD Self-Service Logon (DS Logon) Premium (Level 2) account.

If you don't qualify, you won't be able to complete or print the form. Contact your National Guard or Reserve personnel office for assistance. If you experience a technical problem, call 1-800-477-8227 for assistance.
Learn More about Purchasing TRICARE Retired Reserve at